Today is Thursday and I'm sitting here with my new Guid Dog. Her anme is Melanie, she's a petite 21", 158 lb., black, female Lab. She's adorable. I've had to use GDB's computer because the no one's wireless laptops are connecting to the Internet. They're working on it but I don't when my next blog will be.
This is a wonderful experience at GDB. The instructors are great, the food is great and the students are great. You can see I'm having a wonderful time; but, there's work from morning to night. So, it's not just fun and games.
I send out my thanks to my BVIC O&M instructor especially, because without her help with the Juno harness and O&M, I'd be up a creek. Hopefully, I'll get another chance to blog before too long.
I can't wait to meet Melanie. She sounds beautiful. I am thrilled that you are having such a rich experience, but am certain both you and Melanie are working hard. All of us at the BVIC are so proud of you and happy for this worthwhile life changing experience.