Last evening we had a chance to brush our dog's teeth and clean their ears. What fun that was, because the toothpaste is chicken-flavored and it's put on the outside of their upper and lower teeth and gums. Of course, they love the flavor so before you can actually brush their teeth, you need to get them from not wiggling all over the place to eat the toothpaste or get the tube. Toothpaste gets everywhere, on the dog's muzzle, your clothes, the chair, etc. I'm so glad she likes getting her teeth brushed but I'll have to get a big apron. The ear cleaning was easy as well, just put the liquid on a cotton ball and rub it in their ears. Melanie really liked her ears cleaned and she let me get right in all the nooks and crannies. Apparently ear infections are pretty prevalent in dogs.
Today was pretty rainy but we still took another bus to lounge route, a different one from yesterdday, one I hadn't done before, but Melanie made it look and feel so easy. In a few days I'll be doing my first night route, which I'm looking forward to because that is when my vision is basically useless and I'll have to really follow Melanie's movements closely, as well as the traffic patterns I learned under blindfold in O&M training. It's hard to believe, but there's only one week left until graduation and then we get to go home. I'm really having a ball at GDB but also looking forward to getting home with Melanie to meet the rest of my family.
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